Cleanings & Prevention Plans

Prevention of dental disease is a very important aspect in obtaining good oral health. Preventing dental disease takes place both in the home and at the dental office. We want to work with you, as a team, to help you make and keep the best kind of dental health possible.

We will do our part here in the office by offering you a full examination to fully assess your dental health. We will determine if any damaging or deteriorating conditions are developing, and we will do our part to stop any decay and deterioration dead in its tracks and reverse the process to return you to full dental health.

We want to stress that our work here is only a part of the treatment necessary to maintain full dental health. When you’re at home, be sure to do your part. We recommend that each patient must be sure to:

  • Eat a balanced diet
  • Schedule and attend dental exams and regular cleanings
  • Schedule regular X-rays
  • Brush after each meal and before bed.
  • Floss teeth at least twice a day
  • Follow special instructions given within the dental office

The tasks listed can prevent serious problems and help you avoid gum disease. We strive to help our patients become more aware and conscientious about their daily dental habits, as it is the foundation of good, lasting dental health. At our practice, we will provide you with the keys to having a healthy, confident, and beautiful smile.

Not all people qualify for a regular cleaning.  Some people require more attention than a regular cleaning can provide.  Dr. Oakes and your hygienist can further determine your proper hygiene after evaluating your overall mouth and gum health.


Vizilite is an early stage oral cancer system. It takes 3-5 minutes to complete in our office. The survival rate for oral cancer greatly increases with early detection.